Needs to Be a Change

I have been involved with the family court system for years and the current judge has failed in protecting my daughter. Her father has multiple domestic cases in 2 different states. She has denied an epo on my behalf, but granted a no contact order which she does not hold the other party accountable to. I have a 4” binder of everything that has occurred in the past 3-4 years. This includes all violations of the no contact and all evidence regarding the safety of my daughter.

It had taken the judge almost a year to enter the parenting order which granted her father with 50/50 custody and a 2-2-3 schedule. Our previous schedule was her father had her every other weekend from Saturday 9am-3pm Sunday. This has caused my daughter many behavioral issues to where she is now in behavioral therapy.

There was a domestic incident involving my child and she signed the epo submitted for us to follow our current parenting schedule as normal until our hearing. She has not listened to anything regarding our case or the concerns for my daughters safety. There needs to be a change in our system and it needs to be soon. Protect the children in our counties!

– Anonymous

Contact Info

Elect Joni Bottorff for
Oldham, Trimble and
Henry County
Family Court Judge

[email protected]

This website is paid for by the Committee to Elect Joni for Judge.